The construction of business solutions must be based on a development
architecture that facilitates the efficiency and effectiveness of work
teams. This productivity is key to being able to deliver quality
functionalities in time, to add value to the business.
One of the main elements for the productivity and predictability of
development is the definition and use of a consistent and proven model
of reusable components. This way, each functionality is encapsulated
in a clearly defined piece that can be used by all members of the team
with the peace of mind that it is a well-built and tested part.
Another key to the interconnection of systems, both internal and
externally, is the definition and use of APIs. A well-defined
programming interface allows each team to interact with the rest of
the systems in an organized, coherent and secure way.
In order to build quality systems, solutions and applications, we must
have highly qualified teams, cohesive and who know how to work with
agility and responsibility. Development teams must be able to
efficiently face each challenge that is presented to them, applying
the architecture, Component model and defined API.
Our experience
We collaborate with companies of a wide range sectors and sizes
building solutions, establishing application architecture, defining
component models and establishing APIs that allow us to offer quality
functionalities, scalable and maintainable.
We have highly qualified teams in Javascript development, both front
-with frameworks and React, Angular or Vue-, and back, with Node. We
collaborate with the Javascript community, participating actively in
the definition of the language in the committee TC39 of
standardization of EcmaScript.
Together with the UX/UI team, we develop solutions for all types of
environments: desktop, mobile applications, conversational systems
based on voice assistants, and virtual reality environments.